World Mental Health Day – writings at the intersection of personal and professional

One particular feedback that I received from a reader (on Jerry Pinto's interview) will always stay with me. She wrote: "“I always thought no one can ever understand me because my situation and my life experiences have been extraordinarily different. Not all in a good, extraordinarily different way though. But after reading Jerry Pinto’s interview here, I think he will definitely understand me. His words moved me to a place of quiet acceptance of all that I felt and experienced in life. Thank you for sharing this. I feel a wonderful sense of kinship with the author. Kindred souls of the same world. His words are so gentle and kind.”

The Good Story Project

I wanted to write this blog post to tell you about a website that I have set up along with a friend, who is also a journalist and an ex-colleague. The website is called The Good Story Project and the idea behind creating this platform was that all of us, no matter who we are, carry various stories within us.